Learn more from some of our most frequently asked questions

Does Genius Sheets offer a free trial?

Yes! You can sign up with no credit card down for a 2 week free trial. After that it will automatically revert to our free tier

Do you offer team plans?

Yes, for larger teams and organizations we offer customized enterprise plans. Please reach out to info@geniussheets.com for more info.

What is your cancelation policy?

You can cancel a monthly subscription at any time. Simply send an email to support@geniussheets.com or cancel on the website.

How do I get started

Connect your account to QuickBooks on the Dashboard page of the website. Then download either the Google Sheets or Excel Add-in.

Where can I go to learn more?

Check our our onboarding guide here that has more detailed instructions on how to get started and best use the tool.

How do I use the AI chat

Create a Genius Sheets account and log in to
use our Sandbox account. This is filled with
demo data from a fake company for you to try.